Edgar Cayce’s Revelations: A Dive into the Mysteries of Atlantis



Today, we’re going to take a journey into the enigmatic world of Atlantis, as seen through the eyes of the renowned psychic Edgar Cayce. Known as the “Sleeping Prophet,” Cayce’s readings on Atlantis have captivated the imagination of millions. Together, we’ll explore the fascinating aspects of life in Atlantis, as revealed by Cayce, and delve into their technology, spirituality, and eventual downfall. So, buckle up and join me on this exciting adventure!

Edgar Cayce and Atlantis:

Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) was an American psychic who provided thousands of readings during his lifetime, covering a wide array of topics from health to past lives. Among these readings, more than 700 mention the lost continent of Atlantis. Cayce’s descriptions of Atlantis have been compiled and studied by researchers, providing a unique glimpse into the enigmatic civilization.

Life in Atlantis:

According to Cayce, Atlantis was an advanced civilization that existed around 10,000 B.C. Its inhabitants, the Atlanteans, were highly spiritual and technologically advanced, with abilities that extended beyond our current understanding.

In one of his readings, Cayce stated: “In the Atlantean land… the entity developed much and gave much to the people of that land in the developing of ways and means of communication… and the manner of using the universal forces as may be called electricity, and those influences that are of the nature of the vibratory forces in the universe.” (Reading 275-39)

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Technology in Atlantis:

Edgar Cayce’s readings reveal that Atlantean technology was highly advanced, making use of crystals, energy transmission, and even harnessing the power of the Earth’s natural forces. One of the most famous pieces of technology mentioned by Cayce is the Great Crystal, or the “Tuaoi Stone,” which served as a power source and communication tool.

Cayce described the crystal as: “…the great central power station, from which radiations were sent, directed, and controlled. It was an application of the spiritual, the mental, the material laws in their activity upon the physical, the mental, the spiritual planes of man’s consciousness in the earth.” (Reading 440-5)

Spirituality in Atlantis:

The Atlanteans were deeply spiritual people, according to Cayce. They possessed a strong connection with the divine and had advanced psychic abilities, which allowed them to communicate with beings from other dimensions.

Cayce stated: “Atlanteans… were a people who were spiritually-minded, or had the ability to use spiritual forces for material purposes… They had a high degree of spiritual development in their better selves; they had the ability to see and know the life forces in all their forms.” (Reading 364-11)

The Downfall of Atlantis: Despite their advanced knowledge and spiritual depth, the Atlanteans were not immune to the pitfalls of power. Their eventual downfall was brought about by greed, corruption, and misuse of their advanced technology. The misuse of the Great Crystal led to catastrophic consequences, causing the eventual destruction of Atlantis.

Cayce explained: “In the final destruction of Atlantis, it was the overcharge of energy that brought about the final explosion, which caused the continent to sink beneath the waves of the Atlantic Ocean.” (Reading 2012-1)

Relevant Sources and Further Reading:

If you’re intrigued by Edgar Cayce’s readings on Atlantis and want to learn more, here are a few resources to check out:

  1. “Mysteries of Atlantis Revisited” by Edgar Evans Cayce, Gail Cayce Schwartzer, and Douglas G. Richards
  2. “Edgar Cayce on Atlantis” by Edgar Evans Cayce
  3. “Atlantean Chronicles” by Henry M. Eichner


Edgar Cayce’s readings on Atlantis provide us with a fascinating look into the life, technology, and spirituality of a civilization that has long captivated our imagination. While their advancements were extraordinary, the Atlanteans ultimately fell victim to the darker aspects of human nature. This serves as a reminder that the pursuit of knowledge and spiritual growth must be balanced with humility and a commitment to using our powers for the greater good.