Jesus is Unique and not just another crucified god


There is a common claim that Jesus was just another crucified god to die and rise again. Firstly, none of the others were actually crucified. They were all killed in a variety of ways. Oh and Mithras was born from a rock. A rock is not a virgin.

The idea that there were many crucified gods prior to Jesus Christ is a topic of debate among scholars, but it’s important to approach these claims with caution and to consider the historical and cultural context of each story.

One of the most well-known examples often mentioned is the Persian deity Mithras, who was believed to have been born from a rock and had a following of soldiers in the Roman Empire. However, the idea of Mithras being crucified is not supported by any historical evidence, and the similarities between Mithraism and Christianity are often exaggerated.

Another example is the Egyptian god Osiris, who was said to have been killed by his brother Set and later resurrected by his wife Isis. While this story has some similarities to the resurrection of Jesus, there are significant differences, such as Osiris being killed by a family member rather than by an outside force.

Similarly, the Greek god Dionysus was associated with death and resurrection, but his story also has significant differences from the story of Jesus. For example, Dionysus was torn apart by Titans and then restored to life by Zeus, rather than being crucified by humans.

It’s important to note that the concept of a dying and rising deity is not unique to Christianity, and it appears in many mythologies around the world. However, the stories of these deities often have significant differences from the story of Jesus, and the idea that they were “crucified gods” in the same way that Jesus was is not accurate.

Overall, while there may be some similarities between the stories of Jesus and other figures in mythology, it’s essential to approach these claims with caution and to consider the historical and cultural context of each story before making any definitive conclusions. The claims of crucified gods paralleling Jesus are often overblown and exaggerated, and it’s important to understand the unique aspects of each story rather than simply looking for similarities.

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